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/ Newsbytes - International…ews 1983 May to 1995 May / Newsbytes News Network - International Computing Industry News 1995 Edition (1983-1995) (Wayzata).ISO / pc / jpeg / 950209_p.pct (.png) < prev    next >
Macintosh Picture Format  |  1995-02-17  |  41KB  |  643x482  |  4-bit (15 colors)
Labels: crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | sidewalk | sky | trade name | tree | window
OCR: CDTracker Timesheet Edit View Reports Nicknames Glossary Setup Window Help View Sorted Timesheet for Tuesday January 1995 SmarTimers Client Matter Time Narrative Aztec Industries VS. State Corporatio 1.20 Draft and revise leti Bailey Crawford General Matter qi Reviewed and revis PISCOUT 0:31 First Bank Milwauki Mosers eby epnone xtec 0:00:00 0:54:07 Bant 0:00:00 Contract 1:14:12 Conf Call View: Sorted Billable: 2.40 Total: Non Billable 0.00 Start Clock PPU Edit Del Zoom Window Close Timesheei Yiew Sorter Milwauk Mykleby Telephone